موئسس اروپا چه کسانی هستند :
روبرت شومن، (Robert
نگاه شود به سند پایین، (به فرانسوی و انگلیسی)، و "سازمان سیا
بودجۀ ساخت و ساز اروپا را تأمین می کند"

و التر هالشتین (Walter
اولین رئیس کمیسیون اروپا از 1958 تا 1967 میلادی،
که قاضی آلمانی و قاضی فاشیست بوده، (عکس) و بوجود آورنده
قراداد روم برای تشکیل اروپای فدرال، (م. ش)

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
12:00AM BST 19 Sep 2000
DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US
intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties
to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed
the European federalist movement.
The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America
was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into
a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives
instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European
parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the
American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the
The documents were found by Joshua Paul, a researcher at
Georgetown University in Washington. They include files released
by the US National Archives. Washington's main tool for shaping
the European agenda was the American Committee for a United
Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a
private lawyer by then.
The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the
Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA's first
director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved
in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the
European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in
the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per
cent of the movement's funds.
The European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement,
was wholly funded and controlled by Washington. The Belgian
director, Baron Boel, received monthly payments into a special
account. When the head of the European Movement, Polish-born
Joseph Retinger, bridled at this degree of American control and
tried to raise money in Europe, he was quickly reprimanded.
The leaders of the European Movement - Retinger, the visionary
Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri
Spaak - were all treated as hired hands by their American
sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE's
funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well
as business groups with close ties to the US government.
The head of the Ford Foundation, ex-OSS officer Paul Hoffman,
doubled as head of ACUE in the late Fifties. The State
Department also played a role. A memo from the European section,
dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the European
Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by
It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which
"adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable".
La CIA finance la construction européenne
Moments d'Histoire soumis
le 01/03/2003 par Rémi Kauffer * dans Mensuel
la page 42 | Payant
De 1949 à 1959, en pleine
guerre froide, les Américains, par l'intermédiaire de leurs
services secrets et du Comité pour l'Europe unie, versent
l'équivalent de 50 millions de dollars actuels à tous les
mouvements pro-européens, parmi lesquels ceux du Britannique
Winston Churchill ou du Français Henri Frenay. Leur but,
contenir la poussée soviétique...
A 82 ans, Henri Frenay, le pionnier
de la Résistance intérieure, fondateur du mouvement Combat,
arbore une forme intellectuelle éblouissante malgré sa surdité
de l'oreille droite et sa récente opération de l'estomac.
Pourtant, il n'a plus que trois mois à vivre. En ces jours
de mai 1988, il me parle de l'Europe dans son appartement de
Boulogne-sur-Seine. De cette Europe fédérale dont il a révé en
vain entre 1948-1954. De la dette aussi que, en cas de succès,
le Vieux Continent aurait contracté envers les Américains, ceux
notamment du " Comité ". Et d'insister une fois, deux fois, dix